To be a Radio Amateur

Communication minimized to Rapport, Number and Locator

Started once in 1987 using an YAESU FT-290R with it's build in vertcal antenna. Scanning the frequency and stopping at mysteriouse communications, numbers and locators only. Asking the old mans what kind of mode and activity going on, I was surprised and started right on this evenning to be a contester.

Different Situations

Started in JN48DX with vertikal antennas to 3 element Quad and 11 element Tonna on a high of just 4m obove ground, 30m over ground on top of the buiding.

Most of the Contests are processed with the good old YAESU FT-290R and the ALINCO ELH-24B power amplifier, with about 30W to the antenna.

First results are calculated manually with the big help of old mans from the local club "A40 Rheinsteten". Later on the Commodore C64 did a great job and was than also used as a realtime log for direct checks of duplicates, distance etc.

A big thank you to Alfred Schlendermann, DL9GS, who checked, controlled, calculated the results of the German contesters over years.

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Contest Today

As you already recognized, the equipment of the station changed slightly as well as the location and the overall tecnical environment.

Today the contest on VHF is worked out with the following equipment:

� Station as described under my station

� Contets software from

� SGC Contest Gun III

� Coffee, drinks and food depending on the physical stuation of the main operator - me.

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